Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Busy Wednesdays, Yummy snacks, and acting class!

Notice in the title that snacks and class kind of rhyme haha! Anyway I am always busy on Wednesdays- School, then straight after I have to go to piano lessons, then acting class then super fast today I am going to the church nursery to help out! I went to the library today and I went to look for a book on Malaria because I am writing a book that is set in Africa and there is a disease called Malaria carried by mosquitoes over there. I could not find one book about it!! They were ALL checked out!!!! Does anyone know why? Are you people who are not homeschooled doing projects on Malaria or something? Anyways, I have to put some clothes in the laundry and then I am on my way to acting class! I think I will enjoy it! First I have to tell you about yummy snacks before I go! LOL! Today I ate the most SCRUMPTIOUS caramel apple! Now, I know they can be un healthy for you- but I ate it only for Valentine's Day, I am eating it very slowly. Not only does it have caramel on it but it is COVERED with mini chocolate chips- GOSH IT'S SO GOOD! Also, after piano lessons my teacher gave me some Samoa's (they are from Girl Scouts) With yummy chocolate on it! Well that's all for today... wait! One more thing...


Latest movie: Big Fat Liar
Violence: Only comedy wise such as dying a man's pool blue
Language: He**, Da**
Great and funny movie! I watched it last night! I think it's from Disney actually!!

Signing off,


  1. ABBZY BFF!!!!! Haha. If you can't find anything specifically on Malaria, try looking for a book on the DDT act. You can also look for HIV/AIDS.

    I'm so glad you might join me tonight!!! Yay!!!

  2. Thanks Maddi!!! Hopefully I will find something on malaria!

  3. Hey Abby!
    Sorry you couldn't find any books about malarial, you could try looking it up online maybe? :)

  4. Hehe! Your so cute if you don't mind me saying. :) Thanks for the suggestion!


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